Are Coffee Plants Toxic to Cats? (REVEALED!)

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Are Coffee Plants Toxic to Cats?

Did you know that coffee plants are toxic to cats? While most people are aware of the typical toxins found in a home, like a rat poison or antifreeze, many aren’t as familiar with the dangers posed by common house plants.

This blog post will explore the toxicity of coffee plants and highlight some of the symptoms a cat may exhibit if they consume these plants.

According to the ASPCA, coffee plants are toxic to cats. The coffee tree contains saponins, which are toxins that can cause irritation on a cat’s skin or within his oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract if the toxin is eaten. Symptoms of toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, and lack of appetite. 

If your cat has come into contact with a coffee plant, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately. With prompt treatment, most cats will make a full recovery.

What is Coffee Tree Poisoning?

Coffee trees (Rubiaceae family) are evergreen shrubs or small trees that are grown commercially for their coffee beans.

All parts of the coffee tree, including the leaves and beans, contain saponins – glycosides that can cause contact dermatitis, vomiting, loss of appetite, depression, and increased heart rate in cats if they are exposed to the toxin topically or orally.

Although it is rare for coffee tree poisoning to be fatal or lead to any life-threatening complications, it is still imperative you take your cat to a vet for medical treatment as soon as possible.

Your cat will probably need treatment to eliminate the toxin from his body and stabilize his condition. With prompt treatment, most cats recover fully from coffee tree poisoning.

Which Plants Are Most Toxic To Cats?

While many common household plants are harmless to cats, there are a few that can be toxic if ingested. The lilies, for example, can cause kidney failure in cats, and the sago palms contain a poisonous seed that can lead to liver damage.

Azaleas and rhododendrons, while beautiful, also contain toxins that can cause gastrointestinal problems in cats. The dumb cane, or dieffenbachia, is another plant that should be kept out of reach of curious felines, as it can cause swelling of the mouth and throat. 

While cannabis plants are not toxic to cats, they can cause dizziness and lethargy if ingested. Lastly, the spider plant is safe for cats but can cause vomiting and diarrhea if eaten in large quantities.

By being aware of which plants are toxic to cats, you can help keep your furry friend safe and healthy.

How much coffee grounds are toxic to cats?

Did you know that coffee can be harmful to your feline friend? That’s right, coffee grounds can be toxic to cats if they consume too much.

In fact, just a few grams can make your cat very sick. So how much is too much? For dogs, 140 mg/kg (63 mg/lb) can be toxic. For cats, that value range is from 80-150 mg/kg (36 – 68 mg/lb).

Can cats tell poisonous plants from non-poisonous ones?

It’s hard to say whether cats can tell poisonous plants from non-poisonous ones. Some cats may be able to, but others may not.

For example, my cat Peach has tried to eat leaves from both poisonous and non-poisonous plants. If I see him doing this, I just say “no” and he turns away. But if he does it when I’m not watching, he vomits within minutes. 

I try to explain the dangers of certain plants to him, but it’s difficult to get through to a cat. Fortunately, I’ve never seen my other cats mouth anything potentially toxic. But with Peach, I have to remain vigilant.

Are bamboo plants toxic to cats?

Many common plants are poisonous to pets, with the potential to cause everything from mild stomach upset to serious organ damage. However, bamboo is not considered toxic to dogs, cats, or horses.

If your pet does ingest a poisonous plant, you should be prepared with an emergency kit to treat any potential side effects. 

Is it okay for my cat to drink coffee?

While most cats are content to stick to water, some seem to develop a taste for coffee. If you’re wondering whether it’s safe to let your feline friend partake in your morning cup of joe, the answer is probably not.

Caffeine is a stimulant, and while a small amount may not cause any harm, consuming too much can lead to restlessness, increased heart rate, and even seizures. 

If you do want to give your cat a little caffeine boost, consider offering decaffeinated coffee or green tea instead. These drinks contain smaller amounts of caffeine, and are less likely to cause adverse effects.

Do cats care if their humans drink coffee?

Cats are known for their discerning taste, and they usually prefer to stick to water or milk. However, that doesn’t mean that they’re immune to the allure of coffee. If you leave your cup of joe within reach, your feline friend is likely to take a sniff.

While cats typically don’t care for the taste of coffee, the scent may be irresistible. So, if you’re looking to keep your cat out of your coffee, it’s best to keep it out of reach.

Why do cats try to eat toxic plants?

What reasons do you think your cat has for trying out these toxic plants? Indoor cats often enjoy chewing on vegetation, and there are plenty of attractive indoor plant species that can be harmful if eaten.

If you own a kitty at home it’s important to know which ones aren’t safe

How Do You Keep Cats Away From Toxic Plants?

Cats are attracted to plants for their smell, texture, and color. While most plants are safe for cats, there are some that can be toxic. If your cat ingests a toxic plant, it could experience an upset stomach or worse. 

The best way to keep cats away from these plants is to keep them out of reach. Put toxic plants on high shelves or cabinets your cats can’t access. If that’s not possible, consider using a cat-proof barrier around the plants.

Another option is to choose nontoxic plants that are safe for both you and your furry friend. Catnip, lavender, and rosemary are just a few of the many beautiful and safe options for kitties. 

With some planning, you can create a perfect home for you and your cat. Keep your furry friend safe by keeping toxic plants out of reach or choosing nontoxic alternatives.

Are bamboo plants toxic to cats?

The experts say that if you cover your soil with items such as coffee grounds, citrus peel, and even human hair then cats will be less likely to visit the garden.

Is Mint toxic to cats?

Mint plants are known for their refreshing scent and flavor, but did you know that they can be toxic to cats? All parts of the mint plant, including the leaves, flowers, and stems, contain essential oils that are poisonous to cats.

Even a small amount of mint can cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea in cats.

What smells will deter cats?

In my house, we use perfume to deter our cats from chewing on electric cables and other cords.

I simply spray some perfume on my fingers and then rub them all over the cords. Usually, I have to repeat the process a couple of times during kittenhood, but it does eventually deter them from chewing. 

Plus, it’s a lot cheaper than buying special cord covers or deterrent sprays. So if you’re looking for an inexpensive way to keep your cats from destroying your cords, give perfume a try.


We hope this article has answered your question, “Are coffee plants toxic to cats?” If you have any additional questions or concerns, please leave us a comment below. And as always, keep your kitty safe and healthy.

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