Can You Put Hot Coffee In a Fridge? (REVEALED!)

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Coffee is a popular drink enjoyed by many people all over the world. It is made from roasted coffee beans that are brewed with hot water.

Coffee can also be chilled and served cold, but some people believe that it doesn’t taste as good that way. Nevertheless, some people still enjoy iced coffee. 

Putting hot coffee in the fridge is a great way to keep it fresh for longer, but you need an airtight container like mason jars or food-grade borosilicate glasses.

What Happens When You Put Hot Coffee In The Fridge?

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably been in a situation where you’ve started to make coffee, but then gotten sidetracked and ended up with a cup that’s gone cold.

And while there’s nothing wrong with cold coffee, sometimes you just want something hot to drink.

So what do you do? You could heat it up in the microwave, but that usually results in coffee that’s too hot or unevenly heated.

Or you could put it in the fridge, and wait a little while for it to cool down. But what exactly happens when you put hot coffee in the fridge?

When you put hot coffee in the fridge, the refrigerant will cool it down. Refrigeration works by removing unwanted heat from your coffee and transporting it elsewhere. The refrigerant in your fridge pumps through a shut refrigeration system. 

When the refrigerant is in a vapor state, it increases its temperature and moves the heat to the coils outside the fridge.

As the hot gas around the coils cools to the kitchen’s air temperature, the refrigerant moves into the fridge and freezers’ coils. 

As it moves around, it expands and pulls heat from the fridges’ interior. This process continues until the hot coffee in the fridge reaches the desired temperature.

How Long Does It Take For Hot Coffee To Get Cold In The Fridge?

How long does it take for hot coffee to get cold in the fridge? This is a question with many variables, so there is no definitive answer.

However, we can explore some of the different factors that can affect how quickly hot coffee will cool down in the fridge.

One important factor is the size and thickness of the cup. A larger or thicker cup will take longer to cool down than a smaller or thinner cup. Another factor is the material of the cup.

Glass or ceramic cups will retain heat longer than plastic cups. Additionally, the initial temperature of the coffee will also affect how quickly it will cool down. hotter coffee will take longer to cool than cooler coffee.

Other factors that can affect cooling time include the room temperature and where you place the cup in the fridge.

If you put a hot cup of coffee on the top shelf of a very cold fridge, it will cool down more quickly than if you put it on the bottom shelf of a room-temperature fridge. 

Finally, stirring your coffee can also affect cooling time. Stirringdistributes heat evenly throughout the cup and prevents a film from forming on top of the coffee, which insulates and slows down cooling.

All these factors can affect how quickly hot coffee will get cold in the fridge. The best way to determine how long it takes in your particular situation is to experiment and see what works best for you.

Cooling Down Coffee With An Ice Bath

The fastest way to cool down your coffee is to use an ice bath. You’ll need: hot coffee, a non-insulated cup (preferably stainless steel), a bowl of ice and water, and a spoon.

Simply pour your freshly brewed coffee into the cup and measure its temperature with the help of Norpro 5981 Espresso Thermometer.

Then, place the cup of coffee into a bowl of ice and water and let it sit for a few minutes while stirring occasionally.

After about 10 minutes, check the temperature and see that it’s colder than room temperature. The ice bath method is an effective way to quickly cool down coffee, but keep in mind that you’ll need to have access to ice cubes.

Using Coffee Ice Cubes To Cool Brewed Coffee

If you want to quickly cool down your coffee, one method is to use coffee ice cubes. This will take around 10 minutes.

To do this, you’ll need to freeze some coffee ahead of time. After brewing the coffee, pour it into a cup and measure the temperature. Start by adding half a tray of ice cubes to the hot coffee.

However, after about 5 minutes, the ice cubes will be melted but the coffee won’t reach room temperature.

Add the other half of the ice cubes and after a few more minutes, the coffee will be below room temperature. In total, it took around 10 minutes for the coffee to cool using this method. 

The drawback is that it takes an entire tray of ice cubes to chill the coffee. However, this is still a quick way to cooling your coffee down.

How Long Does Coffee Last In The Fridge?

Freshly brewed coffee is best enjoyed within 4 hours of brewing. After that, oxygen in the air starts to degrade the quality of the coffee.

Storage in a fridge can help to prolong its shelf life, but after 4 days the coffee will have lost much of its flavor. 

For the best tasting coffee, brew it fresh and enjoy it within a few hours. If you need to store it, be sure to use an airtight container to keep it fresh for as long as possible.

Why Do People Refrigerate Hot Coffee?

There are three primary reasons why people might refrigerate hot coffee. The first is that chilling the drink without adding ice can be preferable for some people. 

The second reason is that if you have hot coffee but cannot drink it due to an emergency, placing it in the fridge can help to keep it fresh until you’re able to consume it. 

Finally, if you’ve brewed multiple cups of coffee and don’t want to leave them cooling on their own, refrigeration can be an effective way to keep them fresh.

Ultimately, each person’s individual preferences will dictate whether or not they choose to refrigerate their hot coffee.

Why does warm food spoil when placed in the fridge before it has cooled down?

When you put warm food in the fridge, it increases the temperature of the fridge. This can cause spoilage of other food that is already in the fridge.

Additionally, warm food can cause condensation, which can lead to excess moisture and ultimately spoilage. 

To prevent this, it is best to let your food cool down to room temperature before placing it in the fridge. This will help prolong the shelf life of your food and keep your fridge running efficiently.


Hot coffee can be stored in a fridge if it is placed in an airtight container. However, it is important to note that the coffee will not taste as fresh as it would if it were brewed at a lower temperature.

Additionally, the coffee may lose some of its flavor and aroma over time. If you are looking for the best possible taste, it is advisable to brew your coffee at a lower temperature and then store it in the fridge.

 What do you think? Let us know in the comments below. Have you ever tried this little experiment yourself? We’d love to hear about your results.

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