Does Ammonia Kill Bed Bugs? [ANSWERED]

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Does Ammonia Kill Bed Bugs?

No doubt, ammonia is a powerful and toxic compound that many people have in their homes. Ammonia can be used in killing bed bugs as it is the most affordable method. But you cannot use only ammonia to kill bed bugs as you will need bed bugs control methods such as heat and bed bugs’ bombs.

Does Ammonia Kill Bed Bugs?

Are you having the problem of bed bugs and you cannot sleep all night comfortably, right? You might be searching for bed bug solutions to get rid of them. Ammonia is among the most affordable and easy methods of killing bed bugs

It is a common question to ask does ammonia kill bed bugs or not? If it does, does it function by itself, or do you also need other methods? Yes, the bed bug fight can be conducted more affordably with the help of ammonia.

Below I am going to describe a detailed review of killing bed bugs with ammonia. So, let’s have a start! 

Does Ammonia Kill Bed Bugs? 

Many people are under extreme stress to find quick fixes for their bed bug issues. The use of ammonia for bed bug removal is a common remedy that has been widely suggested.

Essentially, ammonia is an inert gas that is made of both hydrogen and nitrogen. It is referred to as ammonium hydroxide when it is in liquid form. It has an unpleasant smell and can be poisonous and corrosive at high concentrations. This seems problematic! 

Ammonia will eradicate/kill bed bugs when sprayed on them. It will have an eradicating impact on them. But ammonia must come into contact with these pests to work. Only in this case, you will get the appropriate results. 

So, how should ammonia be delivered to eliminate bed bugs? Ammonium hydroxide can be created by bubbling ammonia through the liquid. The most effective way to address insect problems is in the liquid state, like bed bugs.

What do you need for Ammonia? 

People misunderstand their purposes in terms of their needs and their goals. In other terms, DIY bed bug remedies are not as efficient or powerful as they should be. But individuals still prefer to keep trying to get fair outcomes. 

The best course of action is to obtain professional assistance. That’s why you must evaluate your bed insect issue carefully.

Also, you must determine to pick a remedy that genuinely helps to kill bed bugs. You must keep in mind that problems with bed bugs should not be treated lightly.

The longer you use ineffective remedies, the more difficult it becomes. In the end, you will find it more complicated to kill bed bugs using the right method.

How to Use Ammonia? 

Below is the method to use ammonia to kill bed bugs; 

  1. First of all, ammonia should be diluted in water. You will have to select how much liquid you will have to add to the ammonia. At this stage, you will maintain a balance between the requirement for a powerful bed bug eradication spray. It will also help to lessen the unpleasant and deadly smell.
  2. Second, many people combine alcohol and ammonia to create an even more potent bed bug killer. Alcohol or ammonia can accomplish the task. But when they combine, they form a type of “dynamic duo.”

Now you will have to use a plastic container to keep your hands free of ammonia. Also, get a sturdy bottle to avoid frustration and unneeded inconvenience. The bottle will help you to use the fantastic spray easily. 

Then you will apply the spray everywhere you would want to kill bed bugs. It will include the floor under your bed, under the baseboards, and along the creases of your mattresses. Ammonia can help if you are cautious. 

So, the ammonia will kill all the bed bugs where you will apply it. After applying you will have to wait for a while to let it settle.

Is it dangerous to use Ammonia? 

When you will use it in isolation and vacuum, ammonia is not significantly more hazardous than other bed bug-killing substances. Some alternatives are more harmful and some are less harmful.

Ammonia is particularly dangerous since it cannot be used with chlorine without emitting poisonous smoke. They are extremely harmful to humans as they have serious side effects. 

Chloramine vapor is created when ammonia and chlorine are combined chemically. They will form a combination of chloramine that is highly harmful and toxic. So that you will have to avoid it and use all the precautionary measures to prevent danger and risk.

It can result in the following signs and diseases if inhaled:

  • Chest discomfort and coughing
  • Having difficulty in breathing
  • Feeling queasy
  • Having tear-filled eyes
  • Sneezing/wheezing
  • Getting nose, and throat irritation
  • The start of asthma

You must get quick medical treatment if you are having these symptoms after breathing chloramine.


It is a common thing to have bed bugs in your bedroom but they can be irritating as well.

There are various treatments to get rid of bed bugs and ammonia is one of the cheapest ways to kill bed bugs. So, if anyone asks “does ammonia kill bed bugs?” then the answer is yes! 

Well, this article has completely described all the ways and methods to kill bed bugs using ammonia. You can go through all the instructions carefully and get your preferred method for bed bugs. 

If you think something is missing, let me know in the feedback! 


Will ammonia kill bed bugs? 

Bed bugs sometimes are immune to even pesticides that are designed specifically for them. Thus, ammonia is a good solution to kill bed bugs when combined with other elements. 

Is ammonium chloride good to use? 

Lysol and some other types of cleaners contain ammonium chloride in their manufacturing. Some people think that it is dangerous but it is completely safe to use ammonium chloride for cleaning and killing the bed bugs in the houses. 

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