How Long Should A Sump Pump Run? (REVEALED!)

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How Long Should A Sump Pump Run

How Long Should a Sump Pump Run? 

It depends upon the quality of the sump pumps and how long they can run. Sump pumps of high grade can continue running for 20 to 24 hours and those of low-quality pumps can operate for 6 to 18 hours. The sump pump must take a break after that. If sump pumps have been used continuously for a longer period, they will burn out. So, it is essential to know how long they can operate continuously.

How Long Should a Sump Pump Run

If your home has a loft or basement and you would like to prevent leaks there, you must build a sump pump.

It performs an essential part in the water supply by draining all the extra water from your basements. In this way, you will have to stop restoring your basement and deal with water leakage. 

The majority of individuals don’t know how long a sump pump should operate every rotation when the installation is finished.

The time that a sump pump requires for each cycle can change according to its type. So, how long should a sump pump run? Let’s find out.

How does a Sump Pump work? 

The majority of people are aware of what a sump pump does and where it is used. But many people are unaware of how long a sump pump should operate.

Although a sump pump’s function appears complicated, it is very simple. The basement has a feature on the floor that is known as a drainage pit and it resembles a hole. 

The groundwater begins to move the water to the bottom when the land around the house is very wet. A drainage pit fills up with water in this manner.

The floating trigger switches on the motor automatically when a specified level of the sump pit’s water has reached.

Then the water starts to remove through the drainage pipes. The water is pushed toward the discharge pipe by a motor-driven appliance that resembles a fan.

The householder refers to a location where the groundwater has been released by the discharge pipes.

Make sure the water has been thrown far enough from your home so that it cannot come back. In addition, a one-way safety valve that stops water from recirculating through the pipeline must be installed.

What are the types of Sump Pumps? 

The sump pump’s internal motor performs as the motive force for circulating the water out.

Before you install a sump pump on your floor, you must select the proper motor model. If you don’t find the right model, you can suffer issues in the future along with rising costs and destruction.

Now there are two kinds of sump pump actuators:

  1. Intermittent Duty Motor 
  2. Continuous Duty Motor

Intermittent Duty Motor 

The name of the motor implies that this sump power source is suitable for inconsistent operation. These motor kinds enable the sump pump power to have an approximate operating frequency of 20 minutes per hour. 

Although you can operate them for a prolonged period, doing so won’t extend the sump pump’s lifespan. Thus, you must take care of the other instructions to extend the lifespan of your motor. 

When your floor isn’t always wet, you will need these sump pumps. The intermittent motor pump works perfectly when there is little water close to the sump hole. In these conditions, the sump pump can perform accurately and effectively.

Continuous Duty Motor 

These continuous-duty motors have been used in the construction of sump pumps for heavy-duty operations. These sump pumps can be used continuously for prolonged periods without ever needing to stop. 

Thus, not all basements can use it to remove water from there. You will have to ensure that either your basement needs one of these motors or not before making a purchase.

It is appropriate for basements with a drain pit that has water in it constantly. Once there is no more moisture, you can continue running it for more than 24 hours.

But if your floor isn’t extremely waterlogged, you shouldn’t purchase it. You will have to purchase a sump pump with an intermittent-duty rotor in its place. Thus, it will work flawlessly! 

How long should a sump pump Run per Cycle? 

Sump pumps typically continue to operate until the number of water drops to a specific level. What if there is a continuous movement of water? Can a sump pump prevent overflowing on the floor all day long? 

How long can a sump pump operate to get rid of extra water? 

It is completely based on quality. A top-notch and high-quality sump pump should operate nonstop for roughly 20–24 hours.

If your sump pump is not quality-based, it would run continuously for roughly 5-8 hours. So, you can notice the performance difference. 

Furthermore, sump pumps can run nonstop for two to three days. Thus, the sump pit’s water level determines everything. It’s common for your sump pump to run continuously for a while in intense rainfall. 

Additionally, you would relax to know that the sump pump’s durability won’t be harmed by continual use! 


I hope that after reading this blog post you won’t ask how long should a sump pump run. Right? It is because I have described all the information about the sump pump and its working in this article. 

Due to the removal of the excessive moisture content from the sump hole, a sump pump will operate longer.

The level of water will determine how long it will run. You don’t need to worry about when the sump pump should switch on and off because it is an automated mechanism.

What have you gained from this article? 


Can the sump pump work in the rain? 

Yes, the sump pumps can operate in good weather, such as light rain or snowfall. The elevation of the groundwater determines when a sump pump activates its water tank.

Why does the sump pump work nonstop if there isn’t any rain or snow? 

There are several possible causes for a sump pump to run continuously such as water from the drain tile, return of the water, broken underground water line, and nearby water flow area.

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