How to Grind Coffee Beans Without a Grinder? (7 Easiest Ways!)

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How to Grind Coffee Beans Without a Grinder

A good coffee grinder is the simplest way to ground your fresh beans daily to create the freshest coffee. It is obvious to have a coffee grinder if you are a coffee lover, but it will eventually malfunction sometimes.

Also, there are numerous ways to ground your bean for a hot cup of coffee, even if your crusher breaks down or you discover yourself in a situation without one, like by using a blender, a rolling pin, a food processer, or a mortar and pestle, or with a hammer, etc.

Your coffee may have a chalky aftertaste if the coffee grind is uneven. Each cup will get as excellent as the previous one if the grind is uniform.

Also, Some grounds will typically get extracted too much and others too little due to an inconsistent grind. So how can I grind coffee beans without a grinder is the central question thoroughly answered below. 

Ways On How To Grind Coffee Beans Without A Grinder:

You can still sip on some delectable coffee made with fresh grounds, so read how to thoroughly grind coffee without a grinder. Also, the best way to grind coffee without a grinder get discussed below:

Using a Blender:

A coffee grinder’s best alternate machine is a standard blender. It has a set of blades that will grind coffee beans similarly to a standard grinder. Coffee beans can get finely ground in some blenders using the grinder option. 

Steps to follow:

  • Pour your preferred quantity of coffee beans into the grinder and use the medium setting.
  • The beans should be ground for 3 to 5 seconds at a time. Repeat this procedure a maximum of five times, taking 25 seconds each time.
  • To ensure the grind is uniform, rotate the blending machine to the side while running.
  • To avoid smelling like old coffee, wash your blender right away.

Using a Food Processor:

The blade grinder is significant in this case, yet it still grinds beans just as well. Also, Short shakes will coarsely ground the beans nearest the edges, while further shaking will cause the more significant bits to fall nearer to the bottom blade.

Steps to follow:

  • Process the beans three to five times by putting them in the processor. Plus, the food processor should receive the necessary amount of water.
  • Process the coffee for up to 30 seconds or until the appropriate consistency gets reached.
  • Also, coffee should get tasted and, if needed, adjusted according to the requirements.

Using a rolling Pin:

Coffee beans are crushed more finely by rolling pin use than other techniques.

Steps to follow:

  • After measuring them and transferring them to a large plastic bag, put the beans on a level surface. Before stuffing the bag, shake your coffee to make a single layer.
  • Additionally, use pressure and a rolling pin to smash the beans into shape to attain the proper grind.
  • If a freezer bag is unavailable, you can sandwich the beans between pieces of parchment paper. Plus, the grinding will get accepted to medium fine when using the rolling pin.

Using Hammer or Mallet:

A hammer or mallet easily crushes beans and kitchen counters too. Don’t count on using these grounds to make espresso. You’ll get a rough to moderate grind at most. Also, use this grind in drip or cold brew coffee makers.

Steps to follow:

  • A mallet or hammer gets used to ground beans in this manner. Also, the beans get placed in a freezer bag or sandwiched between two sheets of parchment paper.
  • To smash the beans, press the hammer down on them with slow, even strokes. Also, once you achieve a coarse to moderate consistency, keep pounding.

Using mortar and pestle:

A mortar and pestle can produce finer grounds for Chemex or dripping coffee. Also, Make sure to utilize only around 1/4 of your mortar’s capacity. Plus, crush your coffee in limited quantities to create a much more uniform mix.

Steps to follow:

  • The beans should get placed in the mortar first, and the pestle should get used as a hammer to crush the beans down.
  • Additionally, grind coffee beans in a mortar and pestle to achieve a more refined grain or the desired consistency.
  • Remove all grinds and start over if you wish to brew different coffee. Also, the coffee beans get grounded more finely by rotating the pestle.

Using a hand mincer or press:

Only a few beans can get grounded at once with a manual mincer or press.

Also, the beans are added to the compartment holding the meat, garlic, or other food and afterwards pushed out. You may have to repeat this procedure or combine it with a rolling pin or mallet.

Steps to follow:

  • A few beans should get added to the bean press or mincer.
  • Also, squeeze the tool until no more traces of coffee beans remain.
  • Repeatedly put the coffee through the process until you get the desired grounds.

Using a Knife:

Using the bottom of the knife rather than the edge is the ideal method for grinding beans with a knife.

Also, a chef knife’s design, with its marginally larger and stiffer blade, aids in providing greater leverage to facilitate better crushing and cracking of the beans. 

Steps to follow:

  • After placing your blade firmly over the beans, carefully set the knife’s sharp edge on the cutting board.
  • To crack the beans, lay your flat hand in front of the blade.
  • Also, continue applying pressure to the blade after the beans get broken, moving it slightly in your direction to produce a more acceptable ground.


Is there a way to grind coffee without a grinder?

There are a number of options, including using a blender. There are many ways mentioned in this article.

Can I grind coffee beans in a blender?

Yes, you can quickly grind the coffee beans in a blender.

What is the best way to grind coffee beans for espresso without a grinder?

To grind coffee beans for expresso, use a blender or food processor.

How can I get free coffee beans ground?

At home, use a hammer or mincer or other ways described above.


Putting it all together, this article provides the answer to how to grind coffee beans without a grinder. Also, If you’re using a blade, blender, or miner, grind gently and consistently by repeating the same motions.

If you lack a coffee grinding machine, grinding or crushing a few beans at a time is the best approach to achieving a consistent grind; for more information, read the article carefully.

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