How To Shape Upholstery Foam? (In Just 4 Easy Steps!)

14 Min Read

Furniture is the centerpiece of any home or office, but it’s not just about aesthetics. The comfort of the furniture is just as important, and that’s where upholstery foam comes in.

Upholstery foam is the material used to make a cushioning layer between the furniture and the user. It’s essential for providing comfort and support, but it’s not always easy to get the shape of the foam just right.

If you’ve ever tried to shape upholstery foam, you know it’s a tough challenge. It requires skill and patience and the result is often not up to your expectations.

This is where it pays to understand the secrets of working with upholstery foam.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the different methods you can use to shape your upholstery foam. You’ll learn how to measure, cut, and shape your upholstery foam to give your furniture the perfect look and feel.

We’ll also cover some common mistakes people make when working with upholstery foam and how to avoid them.

Whether you’re a DIYer tackling your own furniture project or a professional upholsterer, this blog post will help you shape upholstery foam like a pro.

We’ll delve into the tips and tricks of the trade, from selecting the right foam for the job to using advanced tools and techniques.

You don’t need to be an expert to create beautiful and comfortable furniture. With the right knowledge and tools, anyone can shape upholstery foam with confidence and achieve a perfect result.

So, if you’re ready to learn How To Shape Upholstery Foam? like a pro, keep reading!

  1. Measure the area where the foam will be placed and purchase foam that is slightly larger than the area.
  2. Cut the foam to the desired shape using an electric carving knife.
  3. Smooth the edges of the foam with sandpaper or a rasp to give it a finished look.
  4. Place the foam in the desired area and use a staple gun to secure it in place.
  5. Cover the foam with fabric using a staple gun and then add decorative trim or tacks for a finished look.

Top Favourite Best Upholstery Foam Pick:

How does the shape of upholstery foam matter?

As you can see, the foam shape is very important for the function of your upholstery. The shape of the foam determines how your sofa or chair will fit on a table, bed, or another piece of furniture.

The foam’s shape is what makes it possible to perfectly align the foam with the surface that it will sit on. Without a perfect match, your foam may not be able to sit evenly on your furniture and you might have some issues with backpressure as well as sagging.

More: How To Make Foam Padding?

How to shape upholstery foam for furniture making?

The same way you shape foam for furniture making, you can use foam to make the seats or backs of your furniture.

When you are shaping upholstery foam, you need to make sure there is a sturdy surface on which the foam can be placed.

You should also consider that if you want to add color to your furniture, it is important that the foam is flat and smooth so that it will have a clean finish. You should also think about what type of fabric will go best with your upholstery material.

More: Why Is Upholstery Foam So Expensive?

What Tools Are Required To Shape Upholstery Foam?

There are a few different tools that you need to get started on your upholstery foam project. You can use many of the same tools that you’ve used for other materials like wood or leather.

More: How To Reshape Foam?

For this project, we’ll be using a handheld carving knife.

You can also use a hand drill and a jigsaw, though, with these smaller more portable tools, it may work better to use your hands to shape the foam instead of holding them in your hand.

What Steps Need For Shape Upholstery Foam?

Before you can use foam with your upholstery, you will need to determine the shape of the foam.

First, you need to figure out what type of shape the foam is going to fit. This will allow us to help you with the shaping process.

There are two types of shapes that foam can take: round and square. You will want to choose a foamed shape that best fits your furniture, so keep that in mind when choosing a shape for your foam.

More: How To Choose Upholstery Foam?

1: Plotting Your Foam:

If you want to create the perfect foam shape, you need to first determine the shape.

The foam shapes generally fall into three categories: round, oval, and square. Following is an example of how we would use each shape to make a specific seat:

Round Shape

The round shape will give your foam seat a more classic look. This shape has more of an oval-shaped outer shell that is rounded on the edges.

The edges are rounded for the foam to conform to the contours of your furniture.

Oval Shape

The oval shape adds another layer of complexity to create a seat that fits snugly around your furniture’s frame.

You can use this type of foam if you are making something like a bed or dresser, or if you have some pieces that have a wide surface area and need it to fit snugly around them.

Square Shape

If you don’t want your foam seat to bulge out at any point, this is the best option for creating it. It means you can create an open forum where nothing but air exists in between the seat and its frame (the structure).

This allows air in so there isn’t any pressure from outside forces on your material

2: Cut Your Foam Straight

In the first step, we look at how to cut upholstery foam. In the second step, we will take a look at how to use that foam to create the perfect shape for your furniture.

3: Track the Side Views Of Your Foam

In this step, we will discuss how to track the side views of your foam.

The side views refer to the different ways in which your foam can be cut. These include:

1) Top view:

It refers to how you would see the shape of the back or seat of your furniture when you are cutting it out.

For example, if you were making a chair, it is best to cut the foam directly on top of where you want to make sure that there will be no gaps between the foam and your fabric.

If you are cutting foam for a couch or bed frame, it is best to make sure there are no gaps between any two pieces of foam when cutting them together to ensure that there is no folding and creasing during sewing.

2) Bottom view:

This refers to how easy it is for fabric and foam together when working together. In most cases, there mustn’t be any folds or wrinkles around the edges as they can cause problems in future cuts.

3) Left/right views:

This refers to how tightly one piece fits against another – often referred to as “glued” or “glue-fused”.

4: Cut The Remaining Foam Using a Knife and Saw:

When you’re making your upholstery foam, take your knife and saw and cut out the foam at a 45-degree angle. Then lay the foam on a flat surface.

You want to create an even cut all over the foam so that it’s uniform. When you are cutting the foam, you want to be careful not to leave any extra foam on your cutting surface or in between cuts.

Which Upholstery Foam Shaping Tools Are Required?

There are many tools that you can use to shape foam upholstery. This means that you have a wide range of options available to you when it comes to shaping foam.

You will want to choose the right tools for any given project, so make sure that you know what is required of each tool.

The most common shapes of foam are circular and rectangular. You will usually be able to find shapes in both the round and rectangular foam.

Circular shapes are great for creating cushions, which are fantastic for seating on a couch or chair. They also work well for stuffing inside pillows or beanbag chairs.

Rectangular shapes are also used for stuffing inside pillows or beanbag chairs, but they’re generally more expensive than circular shapes, which makes them more suited to making furniture frames or racking systems where the foam is not being used as a seat cushioning material.

Cutting upholstery foam with hot wire:

The first step to creating a perfect shape for upholstery foam is to determine what shape the foam will take. There are many different shapes of foam that can be cut out, but there are three main types:

  • 1. Straight pieces
  • 2. Rounded pieces
  • 3. Flat pieces

These three shapes have a specific purpose in furniture making. Here, we will discuss how these shapes are used to make a perfect shape for your furniture and design an appropriate template for cutting the foam.

To determine the type of shape your foam takes, you need to consider several factors: 

  • 1.) The height of the chair or sofa (the higher the seat), the more rounded shaped foam you want to use. This is because rounded-shaped foam has more volume than flat-shaped foam, which provides more support and comfort on lower seats and backrests.
  • 2.) The width of your chair or sofa (the wider the seat, the more flat-shaped foam you want to use), is because flat-shaped foam has less volume than rounded-shaped foam, which provides more support and comfort on wider seats and backrests.
  • 3.) How high your seats or backs will be (the shorter they are, the more rounded.


What type of foam is best for shaping upholstery?

Memory foam is typically the best type of foam for shaping upholstery, as it is more durable and supportive than traditional polyurethane foam.

How do I begin shaping the foam?

Begin by tracing the desired shape onto the foam with a marker. Cut the foam along the traced lines, using a sharp knife or electric knife.

How do I make sure the foam is evenly shaped?

To ensure the foam is evenly shaped, use a sanding block to even out any uneven spots or ridges.

What type of glue should I use to attach the foam pieces together?

Use a strong, waterproof adhesive such as contact cement or silicone adhesive to attach the foam pieces together.


With a few simple tools, you can easily remove that bit of sagging, reshape firm, or re-contour your foam.

If those areas are beyond repair, call a professional. However, when it’s just a superficial job, this is a great way to save money.

If you want to learn the best ways to shape leather upholstery, follow along as we cover the steps for working with different upholstery materials.

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