4 Mattress Too Firm Symptoms & 5 Ways To Fix (100% Solved!)

16 Min Read

Do you ever wake up feeling more tired than you did when you went to bed? Do you ever feel aches and pains that weren’t there the night before? If so, you might be suffering from a mattress too firm symptoms for your body.

In this blog post, we will discuss what mattress too firm symptoms are, why they are important to recognize, and what you can do to ensure the best sleep possible.

Keep reading to find out more about how to recognize and manage mattress too firm symptoms.

The Mattress Too Firm Symptoms of Sleeping on a Too Firm Mattress:

1. You wake up with a stiff neck and a headache.

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it may be a sign that your mattress is too firm.

A stiff neck and headache are both common side effects of sleeping on a too-firm mattress.

When you sleep on a too-firm mattress, your neck and spine are not able to move as freely as they would on a softer mattress.

This can cause pain and stiffness in the neck and spine, which can also lead to headaches.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to seek out medical attention to rule out any serious underlying issues. Here is the Best Mattress for Spondylolisthesis.

2. You have trouble getting comfortable because the mattress is too hard.

If you are finding it difficult to get comfortable on your bed because the mattress is too hard, there are a few things you can do to make it more comfortable.

Try adding a layer of soft padding to the mattress, or buying a mattress that is designed to be softer. If you are unable to find a softer mattress, you can also try sleeping on a waterbed instead.

3. You have trouble falling asleep because you’re constantly tossing and turning.

If you find that you’re struggling to fall asleep because you’re constantly tossing and turning, it may be because your mattress is too firm.

A too-firm mattress can cause you to toss and turn throughout the night, making it difficult to get a good night’s sleep.

If this is a problem for you, it may be worth trying a softer mattress in order to improve your sleep quality.

4. You end up spending more time on the couch than you do in bed.

If you find that your mattress is too firm, it can lead to a number of problems. You may find that you spend more time on the couch than you do in bed, as your body is not able to get a good night’s sleep on a too-firm mattress.

Additionally, a too-firm mattress can also cause back pain, as the bed is not supportive enough.

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it may be time to switch to a more supportive mattress: chronic pain, neck pain, headaches, and trouble sleeping.

How do I firm up my mattress?

If you are finding that your mattress is too firm, there are a few things that you can do to try and fix the issue.

  • One option is to add more bedding to the mattress. This will help to make it more comfortable and plush.
  • You can also try adding a memory foam pad to the bottom of the mattress. This will help to provide additional support and comfort.
  • If you find that these measures are not working, you may want to consider getting a new mattress.
  • A new mattress will likely be more comfortable and supportive than an old one.

If you need a mattress that’s not too firm and best for your body then checkout this mattress.

How to fix a mattress too firm?

1. Check the mattress for any signs of damage.

If there are any, fix them before proceeding. If There Are No Signs Of Damage, The Mattress May Be Too Firm. In This Case, Try To Get A More Soft Mattress. Alternatively, You Can Try Adjusting The Pillow And/Or Bed Frame.?

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms on a mattress that you’ve been using for a while, it may be time to take a look at it and see if it’s too firm:

1. You’re constantly feeling pain in your back or neck 2. You’ve been having trouble sleeping for more than a few hours at a time 3.

2. Remove any excess bedding or padding. 

If you are experiencing symptoms such as pain when you move, increased heat or cold sensitivity, or difficulty breathing, it is likely that your mattress is too firm.

To determine if this is the case, you can remove any excess bedding or padding from the mattress and see if the symptoms improve.

If the symptoms continue to be severe, it may be necessary to replace your mattress. Read How To Move A Purple Mattress?

3. Check the firmness of the mattress by pressing down on one side. 

If you are experiencing discomfort when sleeping on your mattress, it may be because it is too firm.

To determine if this is the case, you can press down on one side of the mattress and see if it gives. If it does not, the mattress may be too firm for you. If it’s too firm, add more bedding or padding and repeat the step.

4. Put the mattress in a warm place for a few hours to soften up. 

If your mattress is too firm, it may be because it’s not soft enough. To soften it up, you can put it in a warm place for a few hours.

If your mattress is too firm, you might find that it is uncomfortable to sleep on. You can try to soften it up by putting it in a warm place for a few hours. This can help to make it more comfortable to sleep on.

5. Check the firmness again and adjust as necessary.

If you are experiencing discomfort or pain when sleeping on your mattress, it may be time to check the firmness again and adjust as necessary.

Sleeping on a too-firm mattress can cause pain in the back, neck, and shoulders, and can also cause you to toss and turn all night.

To determine if your mattress is too firm, use the following tips:

  • Use a soft, thin pillow to test the comfort level of your current mattress.
  • Place the pillow on top of the mattress and lie down on it, making sure your entire body is covered.

What Happens If Your Mattress Is Too Firm?

If you’re experiencing problems with your mattress being too firm, it’s likely because you’re sleeping on an overly hard surface. This can lead to a number of uncomfortable symptoms, including:

If you’re struggling with these issues, it might be time to consider a new mattress. There are a number of different types of mattresses on the market that should be able to suit your needs. Speak to your bedding retailer about which one might be best for you.

Can Your Mattress Be Too Firm?

There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re finding that your mattress is too firm for you.

  1. First, if you’re experiencing pain when you move around in bed or if you’re waking up with stiff or achy muscles, your mattress may be too hard.
  2. Second, if you’re finding it difficult to get a good night’s sleep because of discomfort, your mattress may be too firm.
  3. Finally, if you’re noticing that your sheets are coming off of the bed more than usual, your mattress may be too hard.

If any of these are true for you, it might be time to consider a buying new mattress.

How to Adjust to a Firm Mattress?

If you’re finding that your mattress is too firm, there are a few things you can do to adjust.

First, try sleeping on your back for a few nights to see if that makes the mattress more comfortable.

If that doesn’t work, you can try adding more pillows to your bed or sleeping on a softer surface like a mattress pad.

Do firm mattresses get softer over time?

There is some debate over whether or not mattresses get softer over time.

Some people believe that mattresses that are too firm can actually cause more problems than they solve, as the mattress can cause pressure points to form and lead to chronic pain.

On the other hand, other people believe that mattresses that are too soft can also cause problems, as the mattress can become a haven for bacteria and fungus.

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it may be a sign that your mattress is too firm: chronic pain, difficulty sleeping, poor circulation, and headaches.

Why Is My mattress too hard?

A mattress that is just too firm might not be comfortable. Your mattress should be the right firmness to provide adequate support without being too firm.

A mattress that is too firm tends to cause pain and discomfort. Find a mattress that fits your body type and sleeping style. What works for one person may not work for you.

Don’t buy firm mattresses just because they are on sale. The mattress may be comfortable for the person who sleeps on it, but it may not be comfortable for you.

Your weight also plays a role in how firm your mattress should be. A heavier person needs a mattress that is designed to hold them. A lighter person doesn’t weigh as much and needs a thinner mattress.

My Mattress Is Too Hard What Can I Do?

Generally, if a mattress is too soft, it just feels uncomfortable and can make you think that it’s uncomfortable. If it’s too firm or too bouncy, though, it may cause back and neck pain, which can be even worse.

When it comes to mattress firmness, try to purchase a mattress that feels comfortable.

When lying down, your spine should be straight, but you should be able to easily support your upper body.

If you wake up with back or neck pain, or don’t feel well rested after you wake up in the morning, try switching your mattress.

A quality mattress can help you sleep more comfortably, and you won’t have to worry about waking up with pain or feeling tired all the time.

Is My Mattress Too Firm?

Your mattress plays an important role in your quality of sleep. It provides a comfortable surface for your body to lean on while you’re sleeping, and also helps mitigate back and neck problems.

But can your mattress be too soft or too firm? The answer is yes.

According to most experts, a mattress should be somewhat soft. But if you sleep on a mattress that’s too soft, you risk developing lower back pain, and a mattress that’s too firm may cause postural problems.

While soft mattresses are often preferred, they don’t offer much in the way of support. A mattress that’s too soft won’t keep your spine in proper alignment, which can lead to back pain and neck pain.

On the other hand, a firm mattress will fix any back or neck pain that you currently have, but it won’t be comfortable. Firm mattresses can also have a negative impact on your sleep if you tend to toss and turn at night.


What happens if you sleep on too firm a mattress?

Sleeping on a too firm mattress can cause pressure points, leading to discomfort and sleep disruption.

Can a mattress that is too firm cause body aches?

Yes, sleeping on a mattress that is too firm can cause body aches and pains due to increased pressure on the body.

What problems can a firm mattress cause?

Problems caused by a firm mattress include decreased comfort, pressure points, and sleep disruption.

Is it better to sleep on a hard or soft mattress?

It is best to sleep on a mattress that is neither too hard nor too soft, as this provides the most support and comfort.


If you’re having problems getting a good night’s sleep, it might be time to check your mattress.

Many people have trouble sleeping on a too-firm mattress, and the consequences can be pretty serious.

Here are 4 signs that your mattress is too firm, and how to find the right mattress for you. If you’re still having trouble finding a good night’s sleep, let me know in the comments below and I might be able to help. Thanks for reading!

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