What Milk Froths Best? (REVEALED by Experts!)

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What Milk Froths Best

Almond milk produces the best foam among plant-based milk, whereas skim milk produces the best foam among dairy milk. Their foaming ability is driven mainly by their proteins and the amount of fat. The froth produced by these kinds of milk is airy and light, but it is also relatively dry and lacks any creaminess.

Milk is an essential element for coffee aficionados. Unfortunately, because there are such wide milk varieties, it might be one of the most challenging things to pick.

While dairy enthusiasts may choose whole milk, others with lactose intolerance or a vegan may prefer a plant-based alternative like soy or almond milk.

All three have advantages and disadvantages, but what about milk frothing? Which milk is best for frothing? This article will assist you in determining the sort of milk to use to generate the perfect froth for your coffee.

Keep reading to find out What Milk Froths Best? 

Why is some milk different from others?

Milk comprises three main ingredients: fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Milk contains around 3.3% protein, with skimmed and semi-skimmed milk with a higher carbohydrate-to-fat ratio.

As a result, their protein composition may be divided into two categories: serum (whey proteins) and casein.

The serum includes the majority of the essential amino acids. Heat can coagulate and denature them, giving cooked milk a characteristic taste.

Caseins, on the other hand, create “micelles” that the injected bubbles destroy during steaming. The molecules then encircle the air bubbles, preventing them from bursting and forming foam.

As a result, the protein concentration of different kinds of milk influences each milk’s capacity to keep the frothy foam adorning your espresso.

Why do certain types of milk foam better than others?

Let’s look closely at what happens when milk is steamed.

This technique involves combining hot water vapour (250-255 °F, 121-124 °C) with cold milk (40 °F, 4 °C) till the quality of a “perfectly steamed latte” is achieved. The method looks simple, but there are several factors to consider.

As a result, the duration of steaming time varies depending on the milk. Getting this right is crucial: a high temperature might cause scorch.

It also eliminates bacteria and denatures enzymes, which causes curdling (denatured milk proteins clumping together).

It is not just steaming time that is affected. Due to their various chemical compositions, different milk varieties require specific boiling temperatures.

The best milk for frothing 

Here is the best milk to froth without further ado.

Whole milk

Whole milk is, without a question, the perfect milk for frothing. Its ideal combination of sugar, fats, proteins, and water guarantees the most excellent foam.

It is inexpensive and commonly accessible in most locations, and it is the simplest to froth without the need for a high-quality milk frother. Even if you are not a professional barista, you can achieve the most satisfactory results with whole milk.

However, if you’re on a diet, avoid whole milk because it’s high in calories and fat. 

Milk with 1% fat: This milk sits midway between Whole Milk and Skimmed Milk.

It’s also a great option if you want to decrease the cholesterol levels of your milk while still generating a semi-creamy froth. 2% milk foams readily and has a creamier taste than nonfat milk.

Tip: The flavour and molecular nature of whole milk are heavily influenced by what the cow is given and the species of cow.

Skimmed milk

If you don’t want to give up the incredible creaminess and flavour of your espressos and lattes, skimmed milk is an ideal substitute for whole milk. It has a nutritional profile of roughly 3.4%, much more than whole milk, but with fewer calories and fat.

Skimmed milk produces a foamier froth with more air bubbles. As skimmed milk has less fat, and it is lighter.

Skim milk contains less fat than whole milk; the froth isn’t as tasty and rich. It is easier to froth skim milk and is an excellent choice for beginners.

Almond Milk

Dairy substitutes are incredibly tricky to froth and thicken. However, you can’t detect the variation with some almond-based milk.

Almond milk foams up effectively and generates rich, creamy microbubbles because it has more fat than other plant-based milk choices. It’s ideal for latte art.

I recommend using almond milk at room temperature for the most outstanding results. Also, almond milk begins to froth at roughly 130 ℉, far lower than traditional cow’s milk.

Although regular almond milk may be steamed and frothed, it is recommended to look for barista-specific choices made with added fatty acids and proteins for simple foaming.

Oat milk

Oat milk is a terrific vegan-friendly dairy substitute with many minerals and nutrients. Coffee drinkers love this milk because of its excellent flavour and creamy consistency, making it one of the most preferred non-dairy milk options.

This plant-based milk generates a light, creamy foam with a somewhat nutty flavour when frothed.

Regular oat milk has a creamy texture and taste comparable to whole milk foam because of its substantial protein and fat composition, making it a fantastic alternative for froth.

However, because oat milk has a significantly higher percentage of water than whole milk, the foam will not retain its shape for nearly as long.

Soy milk

Last but not least, soy milk is the dairy-free alternative with the highest quantity of protein on our list.

It is also a popular alternative to dairy milk used for frothing in coffee shops because of its protein concentration, which is quite comparable to cow’s milk. A delicate foam with little bubbles is produced when soy milk is frothed.

However, despite its soft appearance, the foam is also thick, creamy, and stable. You’ll still need to be cautious with glycerol, but its risk is far lower than when dealing with whole milk.


There are several kinds of milk, some of which are superior to others in terms of their ability to create froth and delicious foam.

Regarding foaming, different kinds of milk have varying degrees of success due to their individual sets of qualities.

While certain types of milk and substitute kinds of milk are perfect for imparting flavor to your coffee, others are excellent at retaining their shape so that they may be used to create latte art.

Therefore, you should consider conducting some tests to identify the type of milk most suitable for your needs.



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